Utah is home to roughly 1,500 mountain goats located across the state. The largest mountain goat herds are located in the Uinta Mountains, as well as the Tushar Mountains and Mount Dutton near Beaver....

American bison — also commonly called buffalo — are the largest land-dwelling animal in North America. Adult male bison (called bulls) can weigh over 2,000 pounds at maturity, can reach over 7 feet tall at the shoulder and are up to 12 feet long from...

Voles, also referred to as meadow mice, are small mouse- to rat-sized rodents. They are pudgy, with blunt faces, small eyes, short ears, short legs, and a short tail. Voles reach a length of 5 to 7 inches at maturity.

Their dense fur is...

Turkeys can be exciting to watch. However intentionally or unintentionally, feeding turkeys often leads to conflict between turkeys and people.

Inviting wild turkeys to your property can cause problems for you and your neighbors, as well as disrupting the birds' natural foraging and migration...

Utah is home to many different species and subspecies of snakes, several of which are venomous.

The venomous snakes in Utah have broad, triangular-shaped heads, and vertical eye pupils. There are heat sensory 'pits' on each side of the snake's head between the nostrils...

Skunks are easily identified by their black and white markings. Utah has two species of skunks, the western spotted skunk, Spilogale gracilis, and the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis. Spotted skunk adults weigh 2–4 pounds, and striped skunks weigh 6–10 pounds.

Each species has scent...

The red fox, Vulpes vulpes, has a wide distribution throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Red foxes are common in Utah, and are found in open and semi-open habitats, although they occasionally occur in heavily forested areas, cities, and suburban settings.

The red fox...

Raccoons, or Procyon lotor, are found throughout the United States, but are not native to Utah. They live in forests, marshes, near lakes and rivers and even in urban areas.

Raccoons are gray in color, with bushy, black, ringed tails and black masks across...

The North American porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum, is a large rodent that is common in Utah. It prefers coniferous forest and mixed forest areas, although it may also be found in wetlands, deserts, and shrub-land habitats. Porcupine winter dens may be found in hollow trees and...

Utah's wild spaces are wonderful areas for you and your pets to exercise and enjoy nature. But these spaces are also home to wildlife and are essential to their survival. When recreating with your dog, be aware that your dog may be an attractant to...

Mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, are found throughout Utah in many types of habitats, including neighborhoods and backyards. The mule deer gets its name from its mule-like ears. It is the smallest member of the deer family in Utah.

Mule deer are extremely popular game...

Moose are the largest member of the deer family found in Utah. They can be found in the mountains of the northern and northeastern portion of the state. They prefer forest habitats, especially those locations with a mixture of wooded areas and open areas near...

There are three species of pocket gophers native to Utah: the northern pocket gopher, the Idaho pocket gopher and Botta’s pocket gopher. Like other gophers, the northern pocket gopher is fossorial, meaning that it lives under the ground.

Pocket gophers are herbivores, eating primarily...

In 1971, the Rocky Mountain elk was voted Utah's state mammal. This title was given to the elk in recognition of its recreational, economic and intrinsic value to the people of Utah.

Rocky Mountain elk can be found throughout Utah in mountainous habitat....

The American crow is common throughout Utah. Crows can be found in open habitats, such as agricultural areas and towns. They eat a variety of food items, including small animals, insects, plant matter and carrion.

Nesting usually occurs from February to May. The nest...

The coyote is a member of the dog family Canidae. They can be found throughout the United States and are quite common in Utah. They are adapted to a wide range of habitats, including urban areas such as inner cities and suburban neighborhoods.

Adult coyotes typically...

Please take care to prevent cougars from becoming nuisance animals by not feeding wildlife on your property and keeping your pets indoors.

The cougar, Puma concolor, is known as the mountain lion, puma, catamount, screamer or panther.

Cougars live all across Utah, from the High Uintas wilderness...

The common gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus, is native to woodland and shrubland habitats of central and southern Utah. The range of the species also includes much of the rest of the United States and Mexico. Although the gray fox is similar to other fox species,...

Bobcats can be found in many different habitats throughout Utah, from deserts and forests to swamps and grasslands. Bobcats are members of the felid (cat) family. Their coloration can vary from light gray to buff brown or reddish brown. They have short tufts on the...

Raptors (e.g., eagles, hawks, falcons, etc.) are important predators who help control rodent and insect populations.

Understanding the threats to raptors and learning ways to minimize those threats are the first steps in helping protect birds of prey. One of the greatest threats to...

Badgers (Taxidea taxus) are members of the weasel family and are common in the grasslands and deserts of Utah. They are distinguishable by their long, gray guard hairs, black cheek spots and a white stripe extending from the nose to the forehead.

Adult badgers...

Beavers can be found along creeks and streams, as well as in lakes and reservoirs. They cut trees to build dams and water diversions, sometimes creating large ponds. Lodges of sticks and mud are often constructed in these ponds and are used by beaver for...

Black bears are Utah’s largest predators. Thousands of them live in our forests and mountains — often in the same places we like to camp, hike and build our houses. This poses a safety concern for both humans and bears.

If a bear obtains...

Utah is home to eighteen species of bats, the only mammal capable of true flight. Utah bats eat mostly insects. Bats can be found throughout the state and roost in a variety of habitats, which may include caves, mines, hollow trees, leafy plants, rock cliffs...

Most birds are nesting and raising young from March through August. It is not uncommon to find baby birds in your yard during this time. When someone finds a young bird alone, it is natural to want to rescue it, but in most cases, the...

Spiders are arachnids, a group that includes other eight-legged arthropods like ticks, mites, sun spiders, scorpions and harvestmen (aka daddy longlegs). There are approximately 621 species of spiders known to occur in Utah. There are approximately nine species of scorpions in Utah, most of which...

Wild Aware Utah

c/o Hogle Zoo
2600 Sunnyside Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

