Dead animals are unfortunately a common hazard on Utah’s roads. What can you do to protect yourself and other drivers from a wildlife carcass?

Utah Roadkill Reporter app

Hand holding a phone with the Roadkill Reporter appThe Utah Division of Wildlife Resources encourages everyone to use the Utah Roadkill Reporter app to report animals involved in vehicle collisions. The Roadkill Reporter app collects information on an animal’s location, species, gender and age class. You may also submit photos of the carcass.

Submissions are GPS-tagged and live-fed into a database that notifies UDOT contractors and DWR employees. The data collected through this app helps the DWR and UDOT reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions and make highways safer for drivers and wildlife.

Download the Roadkill Reporter app for iOS or Android.

If a wildlife carcass is causing a dangerous road situation, call 911 or Utah Highway Patrol dispatch at 801-887-3800.


If you find the skull of a big game animal with the antlers or horns still attached (called a “deadhead”), do not pick it up or move it. It’s possible the animal was poached. Use the Utah Deadhead Reporter app (for iOS and Android) to submit information about the deadhead, including photos. Follow these instructions.

Skull of deer on the ground with antlers still attachedOnce conservation officers from the DWR have received your submission and investigated the situation, they will inform you whether you will be allowed to keep your find, if you wish. Remember, though, it is unlawful to possess antlers or horns without a valid license, permit or tag issued by the DWR.

If you believe the deadhead or carcass you have found was possibly poached, report it to the DWR.

Wild Aware Utah

c/o Hogle Zoo
2600 Sunnyside Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
